
Even Honda cars go faulty or break down.
We are independent Honda Specialists so diagnosing a warning light or a problem with your Honda is something we can cater for. We use Honda’s technical manual and the same diagnostic equipment used in the Honda dealerships. We use the fault finding and technical advice outlined by Honda to make finding your fault as simple as possible.
If your vehicle displays a warning light such as an ABS, Engine or SRS light we will be able to find the DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code). From there we can then troubleshoot and diagnose the fault.
We will even diagnose faults that do not cause the warning light to illuminate. We have the facilities to read live data from your car which include things like wheel speed sensors for ABS or misfire recognition or the engine coolant temperature.
Now that all new diesels and some new petrols have a DPF (diesel particulate filter) fitted we know that these can cause issues. Using the latest software, we will attempt to find the cause of your DPF fault and we also offer alternatives like, cleaning of the DPF which can be much cheaper than replacing it.
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